Process Safety Awareness

  1.  Increase of concern due to numbers of accidents involve 
    • Gas releases
    • Major explosions
    • Environmental incidents
  2. Hazard of the chemical plant
    • Damage & loss of life
    • Vapor cloud explosions
    • Sudden pressure release
    • Static electricity as hidden cause
    • Reactive nature of chemical
    • Loss of containment due to mechanical failure or miss operation
  3. Process Safety Analysis
    1. Hazard analysis
    2. Risk analysis
    3. Guidelines for estimating damage
    4. Project review and procedures
  4. Safety Devices
    1. Pressure relief devices
    2. Flame arresters
    3. Effluent handling
    4. Highly toxic & hazardous chemical handling & storage
  5. Hazardous Materials and Conditions
    1. Reactive
    2. Combustion and flammability hazards
    3. Gas explosions
    4. Unconfined vapor explosions (UVCEs) and Boiling Liquid Evaporating Vapor Explosions (BLEVEs)
    5. Dust explosions
    6. Static electricity
    7. Hazards of vacuum
    8. Hazard of Inert Gases
    9. Gas Dispersion
    10. Discharge rates from punctures lines and vessels

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